Heathlands Preschool & Out of School Club


Heathlands community preschool & out of school club is a charitable childcare provider.
We benefit from working closely with parents in the day to day running, fundraising & the overall management of the provision.

The setting is led by a committee of volunteers nominated by our parent community,
who together with some members of staff & other community members form the trustees of the charity.

We enjoy a close working relationship with our committee which benefits the children and offers parents
the chance to meet other parents, get involved in the community, update existing skills and develop new ones.
This has valuable long- term benefits when applying for jobs or undertaking further training.

We meet on a monthly basis during term time. Meetings have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and generally last about an hour.

Our committee is compiled of a chairperson, secretary, treasurer, designated safeguarding lead
and general committee members. Approaching fundraising events, we will often form a
subcommittee to support the organisation of larger events such as our annual summer fayre.

We warmly invite new members to our committee, who can request to join at any point during the year. We hold
an AGM annually as a chance to review the progress of the last year, elect a new committee and discuss our plans for the future.

If you are interested in learning more about the committee or joining us
please speak with a member of staff or email us on : – committee@heathlandspreschool.co.uk